Saturday, February 21, 2009

The International

I just saw the movie The International with Clive Owen and Naomi Watts and I should say that it wasn't a terrifically good movie but I did enjoy it. It started off fantastic. There was great writing (Eric Singer), cinematography (Frank Griebe) and directing (Tom Tykwer). The film had a very interesting style that was similar to the British crime thrillers like Snatch and L4yer Cake but very different in a more subtle manner. The film was also more grounded which is something I enjoy in a movie of this sort. Up until the big action scene in the Guggenheim Museum (which was an entire replication of the museum! and was an awesome scene!), I thoroughly enjoyed the movie. Then, just after that scene, the movie lost all credit for its great style and attention to detail by snowballing into a sort of cheesy Hollywood finish that had a very hollow meaning. Particularly, the interrogation scene and ending scene were disasters. The film touches on subjects like truth, corruption, the world's current condition and things of that sort, but where it started of hard it ended weak. I think the writer started of with a good point and way of putting it out there but got lost in the complexity of the issue and failed to come through with substance. All in all, I would recommend that you see it if you like yourself some Clive Owen.

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