Saturday, February 21, 2009

Windows 7 MS Paint Update

The new MS Paint update that I got on Windows 7 is actually pretty cool. I've stopped using Vista completely because with Windows 7, I now realize how much I really hate it. Yet, I'm still not at the point were I have all my old software from Vista on 7. I just download things when I feel I want or need them. So, back to the point, I've been using MS Paint for all my Photoshop-esque needs and haven't yet had the need to pirate Photoshop CS4 or get back on the old GIMP. That being said, I haven't made any real artwork for a while so we'll have to wait and see. Also, I haven't really delved into Paint's features to see if it is even better than before. I just think it looks cool.

2 comments: said...

I am an artist & discovered the simple brush tools can make real professional art.

I was able to draw large pictures 4226 by 3116 pixels with detail as a result of the pixel brushes in Windows Vista

However, with paint in windows 7 I am no longer able to paint the same way.

The new brushes are a disaster & do not work. The paint bucket is useless as well. It does not color in white spots around your brush strokes.

Many artists are complaining about this new paint.

I was forced to return to Windows Vista or not paint at all.

I will send copies of my art to anyone who requests it to proove my point.

Sorry Microsoft, you did not have the artist in mind when you redesigned paint. It is useless & worthless.

Silver said...

I am on the verge of deleting the new Paint-I just got Windows 7-and downloading the regular "crappy" paint. The brushes /are/ useless but cool, as are many things on here, but do you know how to use the color replacement? One the old paint you could put the color you want to replace as foreground and what you want to change it to on background, right click over it with the eraser and change it. For the new version you have to use the bucket tool untill you get everything gone. :/?